Thursday, September 6, 2012

Harry Potter Love. Breaking Bad. Massage.

Found this on Pinterest the other day and it made me snort!

Very, very funny.

Who HASN'T been there?, actually.

Watched the  latest "Breaking Bad" the other! It's getting good. Such a good show. I know it's very dark, but it's very good. W.W.  Gail...Walter White..Hank has a good's impressive! I really miss Damages and I guess I'll have to wait until I can purchase it or download it somewhere...ideas anyone?

I had a massage today for the first time in at least a year. It makes me realize A)Why don't I do this more?  and B) Wouldn't it be great to have a professional massage EVERY day? I think if I was wealthy, that would part of how I would spend my money.

I know you're always supposed to drink a ton of water afterward and I did. I also hit the McD's drive thru and got..yes...GASP..a cone! "With chocolate dipping, please!" and I had to use about 10 napkins before I made it home.

It's getting dark wayyy too early here now. Bummer. It stays light outside in Minnesota until 9:30PM or so all summer, so this darkening at 7:40PM is about as good as a crap sandwich.

Here's looking to December when the days are shortest, I feel the life seep out of me but everyone around me is spastic over the holidays. "A lot to look forward to."

Rant OVER!

I'm seeing my BFF tomorrow and am super excited! Hugo, here I come!

Have a lovely evening. I'm off to drink more water..dream big, kids!




Shannan Martin said...

Walter Stinking White.

We just watched the last ep last night. Is it the season finale??? We thought it was?????? Help.

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

I'm so jealous.
Really, really jealous.
I need to go, too. Like, right now.

Don't you love that Harry quip? I'm amazed at how many people don't get it. What? Who hasn't read Harry Potter on this planet?

Drink more water and remember- ice cream and ice are related and they do recommend ice as a relief for sore muscles. In my diseased mind, this is how I rationalize. LOL!
I'll email you tomorrow about your email today.
xxx, TOT