Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Shovel Snow. A lot Of It.

I have been shoveling for two days.

At first it's pretty "Oh! A winter wonderland!"

And then it turns into "Seriously? I've cleared the driveway two times now! And it looks like I'll be able to go for a third! Where's the salt?"

Then it turns into "Why can't the damn guy who plows the sidewalk sprinkle a little salt or sand on it?"

Then "My arms and back are killing me. This is why old people have heart attacks!"

I'd like to point out that we got around 16".  We woke up to our kind neighbors shoveling us out. Midday I headed out to clear the driveway myself. They came over AGAIN to help while I said "Seriously guys..thank you so much but you don't have to keep doing this."  They generously said "That's what neighbors are for.." and I felt grateful. Later that night, another neighbor came over with his new snowblower and plowed us out. The next day  I headed out to shovel again. As I was shoveling our mailboxes out, I thought of putting a note on the door of the least helpful neighbor saying "If you want your mail this season, maybe ONCE or twice you could help by clearing out the mailbox area too." My lower self? Perhaps.  Did I write the note? No. Will I? If pushed, maybe. Gotcha! It's just interesting to see in a block radius who is helpful, who isn't and who never helps with anything. It's also irritating. I can't be objective when I'm irritated...another story entirely.

The dogs are SUPER cute in the snow. Curtis is super short and low to the ground so he hops around like a rabbit. They both look soo happy, it's kind of heartwarming. Curtis caught a mouse in 16" of snow IN THE DARK last night after dinner. WTF?  How is that possible? I've said it before...in war times I believe that puppy could feed all of us!  His hunting instinct is amazing. Do I ever want to eat mouse? NO. Have I ever been starving? No. I've had lean times where I ate a lot of Lucky Charms in my 20's..but I've never really gone without food. If I had to, I believe Curtis could be my savior.

I'm picking up Emerson from school tomorrow and am seriously considering buying a sled on the way. As I was walking the dogs tonight I saw a hill and envisioned myself sledding down it. I haven't gone sledding since...2002 in Flagstaff, Arizona?! I think it's been that long! Unrelated: They yellow door looks a bit garish up close in December weather and light. What was pretty in October looks kind of gross at 1pm in December. Different light, different view altogether!

In other news..my latest vintage find! This pretty necklace that I scored for very little money!

And some holiday greenery in my bathroom! I decided to spread christmas all around the house this year!

I'm off to have a glass of wine and watch Dexter with Brad. Has anyone noticed that it's gotten better with each season? We are now on Season Six and although he's a serial killer, I want Dexter to find love! Lumen has just left as her "dark passenger" had left her...and Rita's gone..Harrison turned one and Dexter is alone. Also..John Lithgow is really creepy! I had a nightmare about him the other night. Ugh.

Have a beautiful evening!





Grace said...

Well, I really want snow, probably because where I live we only get one or two snows with any accumulation a year. So please send me some of yours.
Pets are hilarious in snow. My cat will shake his paw in a bewildered manner with every step he takes in the snow. He always looks somewhat perplexed and angry... :D

Nicole said...

Oh my gosh! Lots of snow! We have very little yet, which is really weird for our part of Ontario. I have very disappointed kids that there's been no snow days. And my snowplow guy? It's going to be another slim year for him. Good thing he has another job :)

Tina@thriftingwithcake.blogspot.com said...

Hi Grace! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. I just went to both of your blogs and they are BEAUTIFUL! I will gladly send you some snow! It still is kind of pretty...Your cat sounds hilarious and like a cat I had about ten years ago. So cute!

Nicole..I think we need to hire a plow guy due to Brad's hip issues! Do the kids even get snow days in Ontario? Here in Minnesota they never shut anything down. It can be 20 below with the state dept of transportation saying "Stay home!" but schools and jobs will still expect you to risk life and limb to just get there...

Grace said...

Thanks so much! You have a lovely blog too. I'll be looking for the snow... :D

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

I'd like some snow, too...if you're sending it out.
Did you get a sled?
I do not share your love for Dexter, TOT. I'm trying to watch American Horror this season...I didn't think it was possible to get more insane than last season. I was so wrong!
Sending you an email...

Shannan Martin said...

That necklace HAS to be J Crew! You can't convince me otherwise!

Shannan Martin said...

I still shudder when I think of John Lithgow on Dex. His season was the creepiest EVER.

"Hello....Dexter Morgan" (and...I pee my pants.)